Insurance Services

At Rosson & Associates our insurance services cover not just placing your insurance coverage but making sure that your program is administered properly. Many items affect insurance coverage, among them are making sure clients understand exactly what the policies say in regard to who is a full time eligible employee, termination of coverage, personal leave, vacation time. How are these company policies affected by your insurance contracts? The most common questions are: What happens when you have an employee who works an irregular schedule? Is your definition of "full time" the same as your insurance company's definition? Are your leave policies compliant? Could your company be responsible for unpaid health expenses?

When your companies' policies cause you to violate the provisions in your insurance contracts, coverage could be denied. Your company could become liable for claims incurred which may not be paid by your insurance carrier. We will review your company's policies and insurance contracts to make sure you understand exactly what your policies actually say.

Advance Renewal Procedure

The insurance industry is in a constant state of change. Though advanced renewal procedures we are able to proactively negotiate rates, prepare market analysis, as well as fully illustrated plans and cost exhibits, all of which help you pick the right program that is right for you.

Annual Contract Reviews

Conducting annual reviews will help ensure proper plan options and rate guarantees.

Employee Enrollment/Information Meetings

Helping your employees understand how their benefits program works is just as important as choosing the right plan. At your request we will conduct employee meetings to explain and interpret the benefits. This process dramatically enhances the employee's understanding of the benefit procedures, therefore reducing the amount of issues presented to your human resources department.

Employee/Employer Administration

Administering your insurance plan and human resource items can quickly reduce resources that would be better used elsewhere. Our human resources and benefits consulting programs make these procedures as efficient as possible. Business owners want to focus on growing their business, not managing benefits. Let Rosson and Associates be your backup human resources department.

Find out more and schedule a personal visit today.

Client Testimonials
  • Alex Rosson has worked with the Micrin companies for a number of years, and with each year's renewal, he thoroughly shops medical, dental and supplemental benefits coverage options to present us with an extensive range of solutions. Most importantly, Alex is an invaluable advisor on a wide array of human resource issues (from hiring practices to 401K administration); researching critical topics and keeping us abreast of dynamic issues such as the new Cobra rules in the Economic Stimulus Package. Not only is Alex a pleasure to work with, he is very responsive and always looks out for our best interests. We plan to keep him on our Micrin team!

    Rebecca Waggoner
    CFO, Micrin

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